Virginia S. Burke as Mrs. Cratchit and Otto Dregni as Tim. ] GLEN STUBBE * Wednesday, October 28, 2015 Rehearsal at the Guthrie. A look at being a kid actor in the TC, through the eyes of the four Cratchit kids of the Guthrie's "A Christmas Carol," all new to the production this year. Guthrie Theater production of A Christmas Carol Kids Names (youngest to oldest) Otto Dregni as Tim, Caitlyn Carroll as Belinda, Delaney Hunter as Martha, T.J. McCormick as Peter. Adults actors: J.C. Cutler as Ebenezer Scrooge, Kris L. Nelson as Bob Cratchit, Virginia S. Burke as Mrs. Cratchit, Joel Liestman as Ghost of Christmas Present.
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